You were trained to help people, not trained to run a business. Let’s fill in that gap!

Close-up of green plant leaves with a blurred laptop screen showing a video call in the background.

The live Business Coaching workshops have ended.

The on-demand Business Coaching workshop is always available to you and provides all the same information as the live workshops.

Monthly AMA Support Call:

Upcoming AMA support calls:

Friday February 21st @ 6:30pm

Saturday March 22nd @ 1:30pm

Cozy room with plants and a yellow chair


“I really appreciated Heather's professional insights in these well-organized workshop series. I found all information provided very pertinent and helpful. Thank you, Heather!”

-N.K January 2024

“As a certified Integrated Attachment Theory coach, I took one of Heather's business set-up courses in a webinar style format. Heather is informative, funny, and a very experienced entrepreneur. They show a lot of care for the world around them and their clients. The business strategies and website critiques my cohort received were explained with helpful, thoughtful, and patient consideration. I was delighted by all of the learnings I gained for my business set up and the certainty I gained from taking their course.”

-L.M December 2023