“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.”
- bell hooks
We need each other to heal.
We need each other to heal.
We are living through incredibly difficult times and more than ever, we need to be emotionally resourced. What does being emotionally resourced feel like, how do we achieve it, and what prevents us from accessing it? Join this PWYC weekly group call to discuss and get emotionally resourced.
Through my work with clients, it’s become obvious that many men struggle to feel or express anger because they don’t want to be “that guy”. This Anger Club will help men find healthy ways to feel and express their anger in a supportive group setting.
So many adult children have a fraught and tenuous relationships with their dads. In a supportive group environment, we’ll learn about how to navigate this difficult relationship with good communication, boundaries, and love.
Women and femmes have a million reasons to be flaming mad and yet so few are comfortable with this emotion. This Anger Club will help them to find ways to move the feelings of anger, rage, frustration up and out of the body in a supportive group setting.