Relationship Coaching

Coaching Options

What You Can Expect

  • Weekly 60-minute or 90-minute, 1-on-1 sessions for individuals

  • Weekly 90-minute or 120-minute sessions for Couples or small groups

  • Comprehensive goals and Attachment Style assessment

  • Personalized plan addressing your unique core wounds & limiting beliefs, emotional triggers, and coping mechanisms to help you reach your goals

  • Between session guidance and support via email

  • Life-changing methods for navigating your unique relationship obstacles

A hand reaching up, wrapped with a green vine plant against a light background.

Coaching Rates

  • Individuals $120 for 1hr

    Couples $200 for 1.5hrs

    *a 10% discount will be applied to anyone who has completed the Emotions 101 workshop series

  • Individuals $80 for 1hr

    Couples $160 for 1.5hrs

    *a 10% discount will be applied to anyone who has completed the Emotions 101 workshop series

  • Individuals $60 for 1hr

    Couples $120 for 1.5hrs

    *There are limited slots per month for Hardship/Student Rate clients. If you don’t see any available to book, please send an email to be placed on the waiting list.

Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Our initial sessions will be dedicated to assessing your current issues and goals. We will then create a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and attachment style.

  • Targeted

    Everyone has pain points when it comes to relationships. I’ll work closely with you to help identify your core wounds and personality needs, while helping you to overcome your emotional triggers.

  • Integrative

    Since healthy relating is more than just setting goals and achieving them, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices such as meditation, breath-work, and nervous system regulation, all of which will be a vital part of your healing journey for many years.


What is the difference between Relationship Coaching and Therapy?

Therapists will often ask you to talk about your past over the course of many sessions, whereas Ms Jane’s method of coaching is goal-oriented and has an end date that we work towards together. Instead of focusing on the past, we will use tools to reprogram the subconscious mind, to create new, healthy methods of meeting our needs, and how to communicate and uphold boundaries. Coaching is a fantastic adjunct to therapy and the two together will help direct an individual or couple further towards their goals.

Why did you choose to be certified through the Personal Development School™️?

Working with the Personal Development School™️ and learning how to become secure over the past 2 years has been such a transformative experience, that I leapt at the chance to share that method with others. I often equate the feeling of finding PDS and the Integrated Attachment Theory method to finding the missing puzzle piece that was hiding under the couch. I’d been putting my puzzle together for years through Psychotherapy, meditation, breath-work, mindfulness, and many many other modalities and each of those methods were important parts of this puzzle but PDS was the piece that made it all work together.

I don’t know my Attachment Style. Do I need to before I can start coaching?

To begin the process of working together, we will spend the first one or two sessions going over an extensive questionnaire which will illuminate not only your Attachment Style but also all of the possible core wounds & beliefs, triggers, and needs that could be associated with it.

Can you be a single person and still do Relationship Coaching?

Absolutely! We definitely do a lot of healing in our relationships but there is also so much work that can be done when you’re single. Post break-up can be an especially fertile time for growth and change, which makes that the perfect time to start your 1:1 coaching journey.

Also the relationship to yourself is quite possibly the most important relationship of your life and it takes an immense amount of work to overcome bad habits, unhealthy coping mechanisms, and conditioning from our childhood. Having a coach in your corner through that process can help you achieve your goals more quickly and to overcome the obstacles to healing with more confidence.

Coaching is also helpful for those striving to become a better co-worker, family member, housemate, and community leader. Relationships of all kinds benefit from improving our ability to emotionally regulate, set boundaries, and communicate our feelings clearly.