Emotions 101
Everyone needs a fundamental understanding of emotions in order to lead a rich emotional life with loving, respectful relationships of all kinds. None of us received this necessary education on emotions in our family home or in school. This short course will give you everything you need to become emotionally fluent and will support you with resources to continue this work on your own time.
Lesson 1
A brief introduction to the facilitator and why this work is important to do. Also, a little encouragement to prepare for emotional triggers to come up as we move through the lessons.
Module 1: The Feelings Wheel
In this module we will be learning about our first tool, the Feelings Wheel. Although this is a very intellectual tool, it is a great gateway to understanding how big our emotional landscape can be.
Module 2: Body Mapping
Our second tool in lesson 1 is Body Mapping. This tool can be very helpful in starting to get a sense of what sensations in the body mean when it comes to understanding your emotions.
Module 3: The Mood Meter
Our third and final tool for lesson 1 is the Mood Meter. The Mood Meter was originally created for use in public schools but the success of this simple and accessible tool has been remarkable amongst children and adults alike.
Module 4: Why Is It Hard To Feel
There are so many legitimate reasons that you may struggle to access your emotions or feel sensations in the body. From historical to culture to generational, we’ve long been taught many incorrect lessons about emotions. Now that we’re empowered with the 3 tools from lesson 1, we can practice feeling those sensations, becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable emotions, and sharing what we’ve learned with others, with consent of course.
Lesson 2
Module 1: Emotional Suppression
Let’s recap a little from lesson one and reiterate the importance of moving away from thinking of emotions as “bad” or “good”. As we move away from those terms, we may come up against the root behind why we suppress some emotions. Emotional suppression is not helpful and can be quite harmful. Lastly, we’ll take a quick look at Toxic Positivity and why it became so trendy for a while.
Module 2: Commonly Misunderstood Emotions
I really enjoy breaking down the misconceptions around certain emotions. We’ve all heard them and some of us probably believed one or two of these misconceptions as well, and that’s ok. These are wildly believed and socially accepted misconceptions, so no shame if you also once believed them. We are learning to better understand what are emotions are in hopes that we might have an easier time feeling them.
Module 3: Accurately Labelling Emotions
Back to the Feelings Wheel so that we can use it to hone in on what we’re feeling. Once we know the first feeling we’re having, then we can see what comes next.
Module 4: Finding The Root!
One of the most important parts of understanding out emotions is finding the root of them. This is what is commonly referred to as “processing your emotions”. We can only begin that process after doing the work to understand what we’re feeling in the first place.
Lesson 3
Module 1: Communicating Our Emotions
Now that we’re feeling good about identifying what we are feeling, learning how to hone into the secondary emotional response, finding the root of why we feel that way, we can finally start to communicate how we’re feeling.
Module 2: Investigating Your Emotional Response
Your emotions are valid but your response to them may not be. As we learn to feel our emotions and we are no longer hiding or suppressing them, that can come with some strong emotional responses.
Module 3: How To Apologize
We are learning to apologize in a way that we never have before. This framework, The 4 Steps of Accountability, is from the incredible writer and activist, Mia Mingus. Links to her other work are in the “Additional Resources” section.
Module 4: Causing Emotional Harm
We are messy beings and will naturally cause harm in our adult relationships. Many people will try to be perfect or expect perfection from others, but we are human beings and we all make mistakes. Let’s do our best to minimize the amount of unintentional harm we cause and to check if we’re causing any intentional harm, which could be abuse.
Lesson 4
Module 1: Emotional Regulation
Now that we have a sense of our emotions and what we’re feeling most of the time (maybe not all the time), we can begin to intentionally regulate our emotions. You’ve been doing this your whole life but maybe didn’t know it.
Module 2: Boundaries
By now we’ve all heard about boundaries but there is so much conflicting and straight up incorrect information out there. Let’s get clear on what boundaries actually are and learn how to set them properly.
Module 3: Attachment Theory
Our very last module for the series is on Attachment Theory, which is not really a 101 topic but it is crucial information for healing your relationship to self and guiding yourself towards more fulfilling relationships with others.
What you’ll learn:
Many people struggle to feel the sensations in their body that indicate what emotions they are experiencing. This is not new and not unique to you. We will use a variety of tools that will help you to tap into what you emotion you are feeling in an accessible way.
Everyone struggles when it comes to expressing their emotions because it is a vulnerable process. We will use some tools and frameworks that will help make this process easier with practice.
We dig deep into boundary setting and emotional regulation, as they are fundamental to all healthy relationships. In the final lesson, there is a little extra lesson that goes beyond the 101 of emotions.
Meet your instructor
Meet your instructor ✳
Creating the Emotions 101 workshops was entirely a labour of love, which poured out only months after Heather Jane became a certified Integrated Attachment Coach. Now, after teaching Emotions 101 for 2 years, this on-demand version will allow those who cannot join the live sessions or who needs a more financially accessible option the same opportunities for good emotional health.
If you ever want to ask questions about the content or to talk through any parts that might be confusing, you can always book a 1:1 call with Coach Heather Jane using the link in the “Additional Resources” section under each module.
Heather Jane they/them

“This workshop is vital, as the world is in desperate need for all people to become liberated from the systems that keep us emotionally limited and unable to connect with others.”
“Heather is an amazing teacher! I was blown away by the presentation of the information in Emotions 101 and how much it resonated with me. I’m excited to use the tools going forward! It’s a can’t miss series - highest recommendation for taking it!”
Course FAQ
Rarely do therapists sit down and go through session after session of fundamental emotional tools, resources, and knowledge. That is just not what they are paid to do. Many Emotions 101 participants have found great value in the course despite having done years of talk therapy.
The on-demand version was created for the people who cannot attend the lives sessions because of time constraints or limited funds. The content is the same between the two but with the on-demand, you’re not getting the chance to ask questions immediately but you can always book a 1:1 call with Coach Heather Jane.
There are 4 lessons with 4.5 hours of video content included. It is recommended to do one lesson per week at minimum, so that you are able to steadily build on the foundational knowledge contained in this course.