Emotional Resourcing Series Intro

We find ourselves in, yet again, unprecedented times and in order to not crumble under the weight of the unknown, we must resource ourselves like never before.

In this series, I will go over what emotional resourcing is, how it feels in the body, and help you assess where we can improve this necessary aspect of our emotional health. As it stands, society has not prepared us to feel held and supported by many people, sometimes no one at all. Through my work, I’ve found that an incredible amount of people truly feel alone despite having family, friends, and lots of people they know. Our body needs to feel deeply that we are supported, that we are resourced emotionally. If we do not do this work, our body will feel tense, tight, and in fear of collapsing despite enduring more pressure than ever before in our lifetimes.

Climate catastrophe is one of many scary and destabilizing factors that is contributing to our overwhelming fear.

As doom and gloom as this sounds, this is a great moment to rise to the challenge and learn more about what you need in order to get through prolonged, difficult times. This will also help you to understand the reciprocal nature of support. Not only are you making sure you are resourced emotionally but you’re also learning about the very real, tangible need for emotional support your loved ones share.

If you think about the loneliness epidemic that was widely reported almost a decade ago, these senior citizens had lived a long and happy life but as they aged, they became more isolated. This was also a time before therapy and coaching was widely accepted, so these people found themselves with very few people to share, connect, and feel cared for by. Even the simple act of a phone call with a stranger was deemed a helpful intervention for this epidemic of loneliness that was sweeping through our elderly populations. This regular form of connection was one simple way to emotionally resource these seniors and push back at the creeping tide of loneliness that so many were experiencing.


With this blog series, I will also be posting regular videos to explain each lesson, as well as hosting regular group calls to discuss them. Unlike regular coaching where I do all the talking, this will be more collaborative and allow for folks to share their experiences, their barriers and blocks, the limiting beliefs about needing support, and what has worked for them. Think of these calls as a first step to improving your emotional resourcing.

Links to further resources:
YouTube - Emotional Resourcing Intro

Sign Up for Emotional Resourcing Group


Active Grieving